
Thursday, March 14, 2013

Growing Pains

There is a open position for a new branch manager for a small library the system is opening in Wrightsville. At first I must admit I was excited about the possibility of applying despite several reservations. 1) Wrightsville is about a 25 min drive from my house. The branch I work at now is about 15-20, so not much difference, but enough. 2) My daughter's father lives in Wrightsville, enough said. 3) The most important reservation: I dont feel like I'm ready to be a branch manager yet. I have now only been at CALS for 2 years. I'm only ankle-deep in my career. So, I'm going to take a pause for the cause, stand back and wait for time and luck to be more on my side. I also can honestly say that I still very much like my current position. I have been recently given more responsibilty which I also really like. The best is yet to come, however, and things are only looking up. I labeled this post growing pains, because I feel like that is what this transition feels like. Its a growing experience that can have a little painful edge to it, but its nothing that is unbearable. In fact, its not really painful at all, its more....subtle and settling almost. It's really hard to describe. At any rate, Im not making much sense, so I will end the post by saying this: Time is the one thing in the world that can never be truly redeemed. Therefore, I will use it to my advantage for if nothing else, fear of letting it control me or worst yet get away from me. That is a place I never want to go, not even for a visit.