
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Library Programming 2013

I am very much looking forward to the programs the library where I work are doing next year. What I am most looking forward to is seeing my ideas for programs created, developed and executed. For the last 6 months are so, I have really been wanting to really get into programming more permanently. My boss told me just today about efforts to re-introduce story-timeish types of programs with the "Pre-School Pow Wow" program. It sounds interesting, and I know it has the potential to be a very successfull program, and I intend to do all I can (or all that I am allowed rather) to make sure that it is. I enjoyed putting on the programs I did for the past Summer Reading Club and for the most part I deemed it a success on not just my part, but all my co-workers and the library as a whole. Currently I am already thinking of ideas for this year's Summer Reading Club which has a garden-like theme; "Dig into Reading" for the childrens theme. "Beneath the Surface" for teens, and "Ground-Breaking Reads" for the adults. I thought of food crafts ideas just as making mud pies (which would probably messy, but still worth maybe trying), making bug treats with crackers and veggies (via Pinterest inspiration) rice-krispe treat balls with food coloring making them look like globs of dirt, and so on. Other craft ideas I thought of, include making paper ant farms, and garden knomes. All in all, it appears to be full speed ahead in 2013. I can't wait to see what will happen! I know the best is yet to come.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Bad News Comes in 3s

Hello all, I hope everyone is having a better day than I am. My sister told me today that she cant come home for Christmas because she just started a new job and doesn't think she will be able to take the time off. I am already feeling defeated after getting turned down for two jobs at the same branch. I know yes, I will have to get over it and evidentually I will. I go through this period where I get sulky for a day or two, and then I'm ok. Yesterday when I got the emailed about not even getting the interview I was confused and upset. Now, Im angry. Angry because I feel like I was duped. But the angry will pass as well, and life will inevitably go on. I hate to play the race card, since so often that is what black people tend to do when they dont get things they think they deserve, but I think it goes without saying that for African-American women we are disadventaged 2X: We are women and we are black. My mother has told me often that because I am a woman and a minority I have to go above and beyound and outdo the competition and the work world if I want to get ahead. I took that much to heart, and I still do now. But the question is, when you have done all you can do to a certain point, whats next? I guess the obvious answer would be to get on pushing, and thats EXACTLY, what I will do!

Monday, November 19, 2012

All Things Librarian-Pinterest

I love pinterest! Lately I have been looking for craft ideas on it, but I also have a board that has funny and interesting sayings on the subject of libraries, books, and librarians. Check it out! Let me know what you think.

Experience is King

So, this morning I was emalied some rather suprising news: The programming position I applied for did I only NOT get, but I will not be even interviewed for it. My first reaction was to laugh, I mean REALLY? I interviewed for a postion just weeks ago that was higher, and now I dont even get an interview? It was rather disheartening, and disencouraging to say the least. It lead me to doubt applying for ANY positions in the system for at least 6 months to a year. Thataway I can have more "experience" in some capacity. This is beyond frustrating to me, but I will stay positive and continue to focus on my present duties. I want to do so much more, and I welcome the chance to have more responsibilites. I guess for now I will have to continue to be patient. I am also now convinced that there was a reason, why I did not get either position. What the reason is, I dont know presently, but I have a strong suspension to believe that it will come out later. This could just we wishfull thinking on my part, but nonetheless, I have to move on.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Disappointment and Endless Possibilites

So I found out a few hours ago that the assistant branch manager position I applied for I did not get. I am disappointed? very...but I am very hopeful for the future. I let it be known that I feel that my immediate interest and thus my primary focus will be on library programming. My boss was kind enough to mention to me that she would look into getting me into programming on a more offical and permanment basis. I very much look forward to this. On another note, I was encourage by the interviewer to keep applying. This I will also do. But for now, I want to focus on my weakness that cost me this position. Supervisory experience. I understand that I have limited supervisory experience, but the problem enlies with how I can obtain more? Its times like these that make you wonder was getting a masters degree worth it? When employers are forever harping on wanting experience workers. Well how can you gain experience If no one has ever decided to give you any? I am not mad about this, more like frustrated. But at the end of the day, the position wasn't meant for me. Better things are coming, of this I am sure. For now I will continue to put my energy into my everyday duties and expand my horizons in the field of programming. Whether it be children, teen, or adult, doesnt matter. I AM GAME! Wish me luck. :-)

Friday, October 26, 2012

Ronica Carpenter, MLS

Ok so it has been forever since I have been on here! But I am proud to say that I graduated from Texas Woman's University with a Masters in Library Science!! It was very long 2 years, but I know it was well worth it. I am still early into my career as a librarian and I think by taking the high road and get the necessary education first I did a great service to myself. If I would have waited later, say after I became a manager, thou it still would have been doable it would have been harder. So I must pat myself on the back and also say that I look forward to the next chapter currently unfolding. I want to try to update my blog more often with my personal thoughts on my career. Currently I am working as a audiovisual and assistant children's programmer in a public library system. I recently (just yesterday) turned in my resume for an assistant manager position. Though I am very optistmist, and anxious, I will wait and see how things go! :-)