
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Programming and some more stuff that's just on my mind

I am really liking the "Pre-School Pow Wow" program that I was recently part in charge. I recieved word that a academic academey may be bringing in a lot of small children to the programs next month, so I have been trying to adequately prepare ahead of time for them. As odd as this may sound, I have notice lately that I do some of my best thinking in my jacuzzi tub. Just the other night, I came up with a craft idea that I think will work well for 18 months-2 year-old toddlers. I think I might just try to do a series of crafts and call it "On a Stick." For example, on Valentine's Day we are going to do "Racing Hearts" on a stick. This is the only craft, that I think 2 year olds maybe able to handle. I was trying to decide if I should do away with the craft all together, for that age group, and just instead let the 3 and 4 year olds do crafts. But instead, the "On a Stick" concept I think will be successful. I also hope to maybe do some collaboration with the African-American book store across the street from the library to do a Black History program for the 3 and 4 year-olds. In the past, I have expressed some frustration with the fact that I feel like my degree has yet to yield me any fruit. Well, I think that 2013 maybe the year that at least some budding will appear. I am still more than confident in my abilities to do the best job I can, and despite occassional slips in judgement, I think my career is heading in the right direction. I have a tendency to second-guess myself, ALOT. However, I never seem to do it in the instances that I should. Nine times out of 10 when I know that what Im thinking about a certain procedure is right, I still ask anyway. I dont know why I seem to doubt myself, but I guess I just dont like giving out incorrect information and it coming back to bite me. I also try to be as nice and pleasant to be patrons and co-workers as I can. This can be hard to do for one particular co-worker, that due to upbringing and other factors cannot properly socialize with people and constantly takes out her anger and frustation of the world on those around her, making the work environment, at times, very tense. My additude toward her varies just as much as her mood swings. Sometimes I go out of my way to be nice to her, other days she gets on my nerves and her nasty additude can sometimes get under my skin. All in all though I put my best foot forward everyday, just thankful that I have a career that I love. After only 2 years, Im still very much a toddler myself in this field, but I have already felt that I have learned so much.

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