
Monday, November 19, 2012

Experience is King

So, this morning I was emalied some rather suprising news: The programming position I applied for did I only NOT get, but I will not be even interviewed for it. My first reaction was to laugh, I mean REALLY? I interviewed for a postion just weeks ago that was higher, and now I dont even get an interview? It was rather disheartening, and disencouraging to say the least. It lead me to doubt applying for ANY positions in the system for at least 6 months to a year. Thataway I can have more "experience" in some capacity. This is beyond frustrating to me, but I will stay positive and continue to focus on my present duties. I want to do so much more, and I welcome the chance to have more responsibilites. I guess for now I will have to continue to be patient. I am also now convinced that there was a reason, why I did not get either position. What the reason is, I dont know presently, but I have a strong suspension to believe that it will come out later. This could just we wishfull thinking on my part, but nonetheless, I have to move on.

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