
Thursday, November 8, 2012

Disappointment and Endless Possibilites

So I found out a few hours ago that the assistant branch manager position I applied for I did not get. I am disappointed? very...but I am very hopeful for the future. I let it be known that I feel that my immediate interest and thus my primary focus will be on library programming. My boss was kind enough to mention to me that she would look into getting me into programming on a more offical and permanment basis. I very much look forward to this. On another note, I was encourage by the interviewer to keep applying. This I will also do. But for now, I want to focus on my weakness that cost me this position. Supervisory experience. I understand that I have limited supervisory experience, but the problem enlies with how I can obtain more? Its times like these that make you wonder was getting a masters degree worth it? When employers are forever harping on wanting experience workers. Well how can you gain experience If no one has ever decided to give you any? I am not mad about this, more like frustrated. But at the end of the day, the position wasn't meant for me. Better things are coming, of this I am sure. For now I will continue to put my energy into my everyday duties and expand my horizons in the field of programming. Whether it be children, teen, or adult, doesnt matter. I AM GAME! Wish me luck. :-)


  1. I cannot tell you how many jobs I applied for & got shot down for. First CALS job I applied for was manager of Terry, but had to settle for part-time entry-level job at Main. I applied for jobs I had no shot at, because the hiring committee would see me again for jobs I was qualified for and remember me. I volunteered for anything & everything just to make myself indispensible. Supervisory experience is hard to just start doing, though. I'm sure pages are well supervised, but maybe volunteers? get some young people thinking about their college applications who need to put down some volunteer work on their applications?

  2. Yea someone else said something similar. I wonder if my boss would let me be the volunteer coordinator, that may help me get the experience I need and the added responsibility. You're also about making myself more visible. I think I will try that. Thanks John for the insight!
